Friday, December 17, 2010

The lottery and accessories

At my staff meeting the other day, we were going around the table sharing our weekly highs and lows. The following is a transcript of what transpired.

RA 1: My high is that RA 3 got me scratch offs for my birthday. I’ve never done a scratch off before! It was great! I loved it! I didn’t win anything, but it was the best birthday gift ever!

Me: Not to rain on your parade RA 1, but I actually won money on a scratch off this week. I won $75! That’s my high.

RA 2: Well, Jenna, not to rain on your parade, but on my 18th birthday I won $500 on a scratch off. That can be my high today.

RA 3: I totally win, guys, a few years ago I picked the numbers for my dad to play in the lottery, and we won $5,000! Just remembering that can be my high today.

Looking at the remaining 2 RAs who haven’t shared yet…

RA 4: I’ve never won anything… RA 5, what about you?

RA 5: Well…. My family won the green card lottery so I got to move to America. (said with a completely straight face).

Me: RA 5, you totally win.


Conversation during the Ravens MNF game.

Meredith: I don’t think I would really like camping.

Me: I love camping!

Meredith: Blankly stares at me

Me: Alright, why do you think I wouldn’t like camping?

Meredith: Jenna, it’s 11:00 at night and you are still wearing accessories.