Sunday, November 14, 2010

My crazy week and my poor thumb


I need a drink.

This past week has been absolutely insane. And bizarre.

Monday – Steelers game. Bri got engaged!

Tuesday – Free night. Only one duty call that I did not need to respond to.

Wednesday – Psych premiere with Meredith and Bri. No duty calls.

Thursday – Ravens game at the Fox with Meredith. One duty call. 70+ empty beer cans found in a bathroom ceiling.

Friday – New professionals conference at Slippery Rock which may or may not have ended with a trip to the outlets on the way home. Bekah’s birthday dinner downtown. Met Meredith’s friend Annie. One duty call.

Saturday – Slept a lot of the day. Hope I’m not getting sick. I must have been in a fog because I did something really stupid. I was closing my window and the window only locks if you slam the window down. Well, I slammed the window down and consequently slammed my thumb into a potted cactus on the windowsill. OWWWW. This is not my hand. But imagine this with big and little spikeys.


There were 12 big barbs in my thumb. There were tons of little ones. I got my eyebrow tweezers and got the big ones out, and most of the little ones, but about 8 little ones are still in my thumb. They went under the skin. It looks like I have red freckles. It’s always something.

Didn’t set an alarm for my nap and overslept through church. Four duty calls. Got to sleep around 3:30.

Sunday – Grocery shopping. Cleaned my apartment from top to bottom. Planned on hosting a Steelers party tonight – but we were all too tired to be social. Go figure.

Here’s hoping for a sleep-filled, friend-filled week before Thanksgiving.


  1. I think Thursday was my favorite, lol. Sorry to hear about your thumb :(

  2. I love the Psych premiere! I am sorry to her about your thumb. I can't wait till you come back to Maryland for your visit.
